August 28, 2012
May 16, 2019
50 Ways to Make the Web a Better Place

When people want to get popular on the Web they often have the popularity itself as a goal while in reality it’s just a by-product of doing the right thing…

July 31, 2012
May 16, 2019
Are All of Your Eggs in One Basket? Diversify!

Since Google released the Penguin algorithm update and stepped up other anti-webspam efforts, I have been hearing from a lot of website owners who say they have lost all or most of their traffic because they no longer rank for two or three main keywords. Now of course the usual

July 13, 2012
May 16, 2019
What the Heck is “Quality Content” Anyway?

Webmasters and even professional SEO consultants sometimes get so caught up in the optimization process – following the rules to the letter or finding ways to get out of various penalties when rules have been broken – that they seem to lose sight of what “good content” means…
