Free Guide to Making Your Own Website with a Very Low Budget

Helping people who want to launch a product or start a business is a wonderful thing. But many of those people have very little capital to invest in building a website, and even our low cost options are a little out of their price range.

If you just need a website without a lot of bells and whistles – or even one with some more complicated functions – you really can do it yourself for almost nothing. No, I am not talking about those “free website today” offers you see on TV. There is always a catch with those, whether it is that the site is free but the monthly fee for not very good hosting is high, or that you may not be able make all the modifications you will need.

You can hire someone who many say is the only person in the world you can truly count on – yourself!

Even if you are not a website developer or even very tech-savvy, you really can do it yourself – with a little guidance.

He’s not kidding. It’s free.

If you have been following this blog for a while, you may recall that I am a believer in a Karma-like way of doing business online. Do cool things for others and cool things happen to you. Well, Robert Mening is doing something really cool. He’s going to show you how to make a website, and he’s doing it for free.

You’ll still have to pay for things like a service to host your website, but you won’t need to spend the thousands you would be likely to spend on designers and developers if you have the time and the ability to learn. You don’t have to be a developer or coder, but you should have at least a little bit of a vision of what your new website will look like and what it will do.

At, Robert has published guides for WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, and even a guide to HTML5. If you have no idea what any of that means, that’s ok. He explains it on the site.


What’s the catch?

This may sound funny, as full of scams as the internet seems to be, but I don’t think there is one. I have looked it over and he gives sound, thorough advice on the details of setting up your own website. And it’s free. No really, it doesn’t cost anything. I am not kidding.

I think if there is one thing missing from the guides, it is that there isn’t really much there for visual design. But that’s a good thing, because your brand is something on which you should not skimp. It takes a more than a computer and some software to be a graphic designer. Things like the design of your logo should be left to a professional.

I also don’t really recommend you try to handle your own search optimization, because there is much less room for forgiveness if you follow the wrong SEO advice, and the learning curve is very steep.


So, if you are on a super low budget and are ready to seize your own destiny, go see how Robert’s free guides can help you at

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