Find Out What Your SEO Team is Doing (or not doing)

SEO Audit - find out what your SEO is up toSometimes it can be hard to tell if your search engine optimization efforts are working, or if the things your SEO consultant told you he would do have actually been done. Or worse – is your SEO company doing things that could get you banned from Google, arguably the biggest source of incoming traffic you can get?  If you have hired a search engine optimization company, or have an in-house SEO team, you may be wondering exactly what they are doing, if it is working, and if it is going to get your business in trouble.

Many of our new clients tell us “we hired an SEO company nine months ago, but we don’t think it is working”. Then we take a look and see that nothing has been done at all to optimize the site’s content and structure, and in many cases there have been things done to the website that will actually have a negative effect! When we look at the backlinks that were supposedly acquired, they are often non-existent or are from spam sites, link farms or otherwise useless link schemes – like the “link network” pages some web designers install on your site that link to all of their other customers’ websites, often without the their knowledge or approval!

The number of black hat, shady and sometimes downright fraudulent self-proclaimed SEO experts trying to rip off honest business people is disgusting. It makes it difficult for legitimate internet marketing companies to gain your trust. At times we have even considered avoiding the term “SEO”, since we do so much more to promote your business on the internet. But we keep fighting the good fight, and continue to help businesses succeed honestly on the web with effective ethical SEO as part of our marketing services.

If you want to know what your SEO is doing for you – or to you…

Ker Communications can perform an SEO Audit of your website. We will look at all the on page factors that can help or hurt your search results and make sure your site meets Google’s Webmaster Guidelines. We will check to see if the links you thought you were getting are real. And we will dig deep to discover if your SEO has been doing things that will get you in trouble.
When you hire Ker Communications to audit your website, you do not have to commit to hiring us for any further search engine optimization work, or anything else. If you should decide to have us handle your search engine optimization or other internet marketing needs after the audit, we’ll deduct the price of the audit from the cost of ongoing SEO services.

Order an SEO Audit
or get more info here

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