April 30, 2012
May 16, 2019
Recover from Penguin and Panda Panic Attacks

The sky is falling! Google wants to force you to buy PPC ads!
It’s a conspiracy to destroy small business! Stop all link building!
I wish I had a HTML tag to indicate sarcasm…

April 25, 2012
May 16, 2019
How to Avoid Google Webspam Penalties Like Penguin and Panda: Start Making Sense

Time to undo those SEO mistakes and bad ideas. Recover from Google’s penguin and panda: un-overoptimize (huh?!) by removing those goofy things you did to rank better…

January 2, 2012
May 16, 2019
Software Tools for Do It Yourself SEO - Review

Website owners and SEOs who are just starting out usually want to know what tools we use to track keyword positions, see what the competition is doing to get links, research keywords, analyze on-page optimization and find new places to acquire incoming links.
